Why brain dumps are important

My mind 🧠 is always going ten to the dozen, I never really switch off, my brain is always thinking of new idea's, things I need to remember and how comes I am already 49!

Photo by Milad Fakurian / Unsplash
Photo by Milad Fakurian / Unsplash

First off I should explain for those of you that don't know, what is a brain dump?

This is my way of conducting a Brain Dump

My mind 🧠 is always going ten to the dozen, I never really switch off, my brain is always thinking of new idea's, things I need to remember and how comes I am already 49!

So a few years back, I was harassed and on a full blown moan to my wonderful wife, when she said to me "rather than rambling on to me, write down everything on your brain" "that way, you get it off your chest and save me getting an ear ache at the same time" She loves me really!

I'd already heard about writing a letter to someone who has upset you or who you want to say something you would never say to their face. Once you write the letter, you burn it or put it through the shredder. 

Nearly every night I sit with a notebook and my favourite fountain pen and start writing, it can be about anything that springs to mind, the news, work, my 4 children, family, literally anything. When I am writing I am talking to myself, and if warranted I even answer myself. My daily writing takes me in many directions, sometimes I get stuck on a single subject and write 5 pages of rant whereas other times I will switch between multiple topics.

The outcome is that by the time I am ready to relax for the evening and then head for bed, my mind is clear of all the mixed up thoughts, missed opportunities to say or share something, worried I will forget something important, If I am honest, most of the time I am moaning about something or someone, but it's healthy, trust me.

It works every time for me. Clear your brain of all the days muddled madness and start the next day free of worry. I can't remember the last time I lay in bed awake, worried about something. 

If you don't like pen and paper then try a digital app, works similar but in my opinion this option is not as good.

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