My Nightly Brain Dump Session
I’ve been a total brain dumping pro for years. Every night, I’d curl up on the couch with my trusty notebook and fancy fountain pen, and sip on a big glass of Malbec. When I felt relaxed, I’d just start writing.What is a brain dump?
Merriam-Webster dictionary provides the following definition:
“the act or an instance of comprehensively and uncritically expressing and recording one’s thoughts and ideas (as on a particular topic).”
A brain dump is like a mental dumping ground where you write down everything that pops into your head about a specific topic. It’s a way to clear your mind and get all your thoughts and ideas out on paper.
For me, it's also a form of therapy.
What do I write about?
My thoughts are all over the place. It could be about anything, from a political article I read to a dream I had. Sometimes it’s about work, sometimes it’s about family, and sometimes it’s just random stuff. I just let my thoughts flow onto the page without worrying about grammar or coherence.
Lately, my entries have been more emotional. I’ve been writing about my feelings, my worries, and the darker times in my life. It’s like I’m confiding in a close friend, but sometimes I sound like a deluded narcissist, and other times I sound like Victor Meldrew from One Foot in the Grave.
What's the point of brain dumping?
It clears my mind, it allows me to switch off from the days woes and wind down for the evening and sleep uninterrupted. A brain dump for me feels like setting the world to rights with a friend after a few drinks. It's therapy, it can sometimes be that rant that finally relieves the stress from my knotted neck and shoulders. It's like standing on a soap box and shouting as loud as possible. It can help you see things clearer, look at things in a different light. Rationalise a thought process.
What do I need to brain dump?
- A quiet space works for me, others may prefer to background music to help relax.
- A notebook with a pen or pencil, or an iPad or laptop, whichever you want. I prefer pen and paper as it's less technical and easier to relax. Plus I am a firm believer that we all need to start writing more and take a break from keyboards.
- I like a glass of wine to wind down in the evening but I am in no way suggesting alcohol is the answer. A cup of tea, warm milk or glass of water, whichever floats your boat.
- An open mind - Just write what comes to mind, don't overthink anything. You're not writing a novel, there aren't any rules. Don't stop to read what you have written, just keep writing.
Do you let others read your brain dumps?
Certainly not. I open up and share my inner thoughts and feelings, my notebook is my safe place, why would I want anyone else to read them? That said, if you are comfortable with sharing then go ahead.
What do you do with all the notebooks?
Burn them. Once I have two or three notebooks, I light my burner and watch them go up in smoke. In some ways it feels like a ritual, a way of finally releasing all those thoughts. It feels good and it also means that no one else is going ever going read them.
Final Words
Give it a go, what have you got to lose? Brain Dumps may not be for you, but on the other hand you may be like myself and find your them therapeutic. Let me know in the comments below your experiences.